Marketing Communication for Consumer Brands
Course Number: 45933
Marketing communications are the means by which marketers establish and build relationships with consumers through --directly or indirectly-- informing, persuading, and reminding consumers about the brands they sell.
This course is designed to help students develop an integrated marketing communications plan to build enduring brand values. Students will focus on developing an effective MarCom plan and evaluating its effectiveness. The objective is to optimize the effectiveness of a given advertising budget while placing messages for mass or customized audiences by integrating several elements of a promotion mix-advertising, sales promotions, sponsorship, and interactive marketing-based on brand objectives. Whereas advertising is often seen as the central element of a marketing communications mix to build brand equity, it is not usually the only one, and very often not even the most important one.
The course is designed in three parts. Part 1 focuses on frameworks for brand management used to selecting target audiences and set communications objectives. Part 2 focuses on the evaluation of alternative creative messages, testing ad effectiveness, and assessing the effectiveness of the mix as a whole (traditional and non traditional media). The final part of the course discusses non traditional media, and the Internet/changing media environment. (4/12-JV)
Degree: MBA
Concentration: Marketing
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Semester(s): Mini 1
Required/Elective: Elective
Units: 6