Management Game
Course Number: 45990
Management Game (12 units)
The Management Game is an applied strategic management and general management exercise where teams of students operate computer simulated companies for 3 years acting as the executive committee of a multi-national manufacturing company. Groups of students compete against each other as they try to add value to their companies. The class teaches competitive dynamics group management skills, cross-functional management and presentation skills. There are multidimensional leadership skills training embedded into various aspects of the class. The class is placed at the end of the curriculum and is intended to provide an illustration of how to apply the tools acquired in other classes in a complex international business environment. A main focus of the learning is the unstructured nature of the problem. We want to train managers to solve open-ended problems with talented people in creative ways.
The class is unique in that students are evaluated primarily by external professionals. Each team reports to an external board of directors and must defend their plans and their outcomes to these people who then provide feedback and evaluate the teams' performance. Each team is asked to engage in externally focused exercises that are relevant to their career choices. Some examples of these exercises include negotiating a labor agreement with real union representatives and presenting their marketing plans to practicing marketing executives. The external feedback and evaluation structure of the course makes the exercise sharply realistic. The highly unstructured nature of the class makes it invaluable for students preparing to enter the job market as skilled leaders.
Degree: MBA
Concentration: Capstone
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Semester(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Required/Elective: Elective
Units: 12